
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Now I Know If I'm Trapped in a Cardboard Box, Sabre Can Save Me."

Travis is sitting in a very large cardboard box, Sabre is tearing it to pieces trying to get him out. I really think Sabre is mostly focused on the joy of tearing the box into tiny little pieces all over my floor, but it makes Travis feel better to think that Sabre is trying to save his life. Tatum is a bit overwhelmed. She did find a hole in the side of the box, and would stick her tongue through it, perhaps to reassure Travis that she was there. Or just because she's a dog and does things like sticks her tongue through holes in cardboard boxes. Now Travis is raking up the pieces of cardboard, while Sabre still works on destroying the box. Oh the excitement we have!

My little Tatum was sick yesterday. She didn't eat all day and vomited once. I was a tad worried... in the sense that I was terrified. I hate it when my puppies are sick. I don't know what to do and puppies don't tell you that they're sick. They try to act completely normal and don't cry or bark or anything. You just have to be observant. Sigh. But today she's been fine. She ate a little bit and even played hide-and-seek with us. She mostly follows Sabre around as he searches for Travis/me, but we all have a fun time. Sabre was a good protector this morning. There was a dog on the other side of our fence growling at Tatum. And Tatum, being the oblivious little puppy that she is, was rather curious about said dog. I, however, was less curious and far more interested in getting her away from the fence. The dog probably couldn't have done anything through the fence, but I just didn't like it. As I was making my way towards her in order to encourage her to come back inside with me, Sabre sprinted past me to the fence and started barking at the mean growling dog. :) I was proud of him.

Travis asked me why I haven't posted in a while and I told him, "Because all I want to talk about is how much I miss my birth control pills!" I'm sure most of you don't really care whether I'm on or off birth control pills, but you should. You see, I've become a crazy person. It's true. Some women say the pill makes them sick and hormonal and kind of insane, but for me, it's the other way around. I hope my body is just in the process of balancing out and that's why I'm insane, but I have no clue. All I know is that a month ago, the dog fur on my furniture didn't make me mad. I didn't necessarily like it, but I just ignored it and eventually cleaned the couches. Now I'm picking off strand by strand of dog hair. A month ago I enjoyed The Cosby Show. It made me laugh. Now I get mad, literally mad, at the stupid kids when they do incredibly stupid things. And I get even more mad at the parents when they don't discipline their children. A month ago I would have teased Travis about not putting his bowl into the dishwasher. Now I rant about how terrible it is that he doesn't help me keep things clean and organized. Over a stupid bowl! Travis has chosen to handle my sudden, ridiculous rants by laughing. He just smiles and laughs. Which really is the best way to handle it because there always comes a point when I look back and realize how much I overreacted and how ridiculous it all was. I miss my birth control pills. Although, I've had less headaches lately, so if that continues, then I don't miss them anymore.

Yesterday I made sloppy joes and onion strings. I actually fried onion strings! I don't like onions. I've gotten better about it in recent years, but as a whole, I can't stand them. Especially raw and especially in casseroles. I have a special way of knowing if there's onion in a casserole--too much onion, that is. Onions have a strong flavor, so if you use too much onion, it becomes all you can taste. And who wants to eat onion casserole? My dad spent years of my childhood trying to convince me that onions are wonderful and delicious. He never succeeded. I have, however, gotten to a point where I will eat fried onions (not big giant rings though) and very very very grilled onions. Caramelized. Anyway, I made sloppy joes and onion strings and they were both delicious. Yay!  

Wow. It's quiet. The puppies seem to be worn out. What a beautiful sound.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I've just spent a day in "your world" - I laughed. I sighed. I hurt for you. I laughed a lot at the "put the cereal bowl in the dishwasher." Welcome to my world! Overseas I wondered why people didn't rinse out their dishes . . rather than just set them in the sink. Now that I live in a house where there is a dishwasher I too wonder . . . just one more movement. The dish is rinsed . . it is set on the counter or in the sink. Why not move from rinsing it to putting it in the dishwasher - just saying. Of course I have to speak up for Travis! If he works 8 - 10 hours a day, cooks several times a week (does he still), forgive him for not putting his bowl in the dishwasher. :) Cassie, I think you need to get out more! You are home with the dogs 24/7 - and though you love them, they are kind of like kids! You need a break now and then. Yea for the onion strings! Your mom and dad won't know you! Dog lover, eating onions, vacuuming twice a day, running a household! :) Love you bunches! Nanny
