
Thursday, July 25, 2013

And God Created Puppies, And It Was Wonderful

So I'm reading a blog and I click on a post about Instagram. I read the post and scroll down to the comments section. I really shouldn't be allowed to read comments on anything. Articles, blog posts, semi-controversial facebook statuses... I read the comments and often times find myself battling it out with a myriad of emotions, most of them unpleasant. But nevertheless, I still end up reading the comments every single time. Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. Anyway, this particular post seemed harmless enough. What could people possibly say on a post about Instagram that would make me upset or sad or anything really? But do you know what someone said? She had the nerve to say that it's so annoying when people post endless pictures of their dogs! How rude! Apparently "dogs are not your kids" so, therefore, you have no right to love them as such. I read a whole paragraph (in the comments section!) on the horrors of puppy pictures. Little tears formed in the corners of my eyes and sadness overwhelmed me. OK, not really. Not at all, actually. But I felt indignant, even though it wasn't specifically directed towards me. I haven't actually posted many pictures of my puppies lately. When Travis and I were in job/home limbo, we posted videos on Facebook and pictures on Instagram very regularly because... well, we had nothing else to do. And those pictures and videos were of our beautiful little puppies. :) And here's the way I see it: you don't have to look at my pictures. It's true. You are under no obligation whatsoever to partake in my life. I love my puppies and whether it makes sense or not, they ARE my babies. I don't have children. I am home all day long. I don't have all that much to do. I cook, clean, do laundry, and take care of my puppies. I'm not saying they're as much work as a child. I'm not insane. Why do you think I opted for puppies instead of babies first? I can't put my child in a crate and go grocery shopping for a couple hours. But for this phase of my life, my puppies make staying home so much better. For example, last night I was feeling down. I'm having a harder time adjusting to Travis working nights than I thought I would and last night wasn't the best. I tried to convince my sister to talk to me on skype, but she was busy. And then suddenly, I sat down on the floor and just started crying. I don't exactly know why. I'm not sure years of study could figure out why I had a sudden emotional breakdown for no good reason. But little Tatum, my sweet girl, looked at me for a couple seconds (she did that head cocking thing that's just so cute) and then climbed into my lap and onto my chest and started licking the tears off my cheeks (and eyes and nose and entire face, really). She put so much effort into comforting me with doggie kisses, that I ended up on my back. Sabre must have thought we were having a good ol' time, so he came over and joined in the kisses. My face was completely covered with doggie kisses. Even after I finally sat up, Tatum still stayed on my lap. And even though some might think that doggie kisses are gross (I was once a part of that club), I felt so loved. I was laughing so much by the end of the "puppy therapy" session, the only way you knew it started in tears was because my eyes don't handle tears well. I just think it's really amazing how much a puppy (or two!) can love you. God created some very special animals when he created dogs. And I'm so glad I have these two little crazy, hyper, silly, frustrating, wonderful animals in my life.

And here are a couple pictures of my babies. ;) 

While I made myself some breakfast a couple days ago, Sabre stole my spot on the couch. 
He does this on purpose.

I was trying to make the guest bed and the puppies decided to hinder my progress. 
She's a looker though, isn't she? :)


  1. Gotta love those puppies! Glad you came around to them. I love ypu most!

  2. So this is what "puppy love" is - I always wondered! I'm sure the visit this weekend will give you a boost. You'll adjust to Travis new schedule in time. When your Mom was two and Uncle Bubba was a baby, your Papa worked the 3-12:00 shift at Boeing in New Orleans. I worked from 7-5:00 at the Children's Building on campus. So when I got off work it was a long evening . . . taking care of the kids, housework. When I got the children in bed, I had to study (I working on my Masters) . . . and I stayed up until Papa got home. So it was usually 1 before we got to bed . . . and then up early to get to work. Papa had an 8:00 class so he got to see the children awake for about an hour. So whether it's puppies or children to keep you company, you still have their CARE and you are alone - I get it.
