
Friday, June 28, 2013

It's 4:00 in the Morning and I Blame Caffeine

[Just so you know: I've yet to get more than maybe an hour of sleep tonight, so if this post has little coherence and order, there's nothing I can do about it.]

Here's the thing. Since I was a wee little one, I have had one drink preference: water. I love water. It is, by far, the most refreshing drink in the whole world. I love water so much that I have a 64 oz. jug that I used to fill with water and drink throughout my workday. (And now I can do it again since we have a fridge!) I usually had to refill it once I got home and would drink another half of the jug. I. Love. Water. On those few occasions that I eat at Raising Cane's or Chick-fil-A, I'll get a sweet tea with my combo meal. I do enjoy sweet tea sometimes. But I just really love water. So, as you can imagine, I don't ingest a whole lot of caffeine on a daily basis. My body is not used to caffeine. But you see, today (or rather, yesterday) I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad headache. It started throbbing somewhere around 11 in the morning. I took some ibuprofen which, as it turns out, were about as effective as taking some tic-tacs. Nothing changed. I waited a little while and took more ibuprofen. Nothing happened. Finally, somewhere around 7:00 pm, I took some Excedrin Migraine. You know what's in Excedrin Migraine? Caffeine. I don't know how much. But I do know this: I'm still awake. And I really feel inclined to blame the caffeine. And I don't like the caffeine. Because you know what's going to happen? At some point, the caffeine will wear off, and my body will realize I didn't sleep all night long. So then, I'll want to sleep most of the day. And then, I won't be tired when it's time to go to bed, so I'll be up all night long. And the vicious cycle will keep going.

Stupid caffeine.

You know what my husband recently introduced to me? The Cosby Show. I. Love. The Cosby Show. You would think that at some point in time I would have seen a rerun of this show. But I never have. So we started with the pilot episode and have gradually moved our way along. (We're somewhere in season two right now.) I just love the Huxtables. Dr. Huxtable just makes me laugh and laugh, and it's a good ol' time. I just have to wonder why this show never made it to Indonesia. I mean, we had the most random shows over there. You see, when I was in elementary and middle school, my sisters and I loved to watch TV when we got home. We usually made it home right around 3:30. We only had one channel that played any and all sitcoms/dramas/etc. that made it overseas, so we didn't have a whole lot of options. And on this channel, everyday at 3:30, we watched Happy Days. And then, once they had gone through the whole series, they started playing Family Ties. And then, once they ran out of those, they showed The Brady Bunch. And we watched them all. And now I feel as though I'm coming full circle. Well.. sort of.

And now we'll see if this caffeine has worn off. Good day to you all. Come again soon.


  1. Ha . . . blame it on caffeine . . . and you are probably right. We have many things in common but caffeine is not one of them. My earliest memory of coffee is in Tullos, Louisiana. My Aunt Leslie (no relation) served coffee to my parents and other people. I was so surprised when she gave me a little demitasse cup with coffee (mostly milk). I felt so grown up. I was probably 3 or 4. I treasure my mom's demitasse cups but few people want that small a coffee cup. I do remember that you served me coffee! You didn't want to drink it but you always made sure Nanny had a cup of coffee. I'm sorry about the migraine - hope it's gone!! Aunt Catherine told me that 3 Ibuprophen and 2 Tylenol are the best combo for pain. Worked for me. I have not taken Exedrin in years because of the amount of cafffein in it - I prefer mine to be tasty. I read yesterday that many people drink a soda in late afternoon to ward off sleepiness/fatigue. They suggested a cup of coffee would be better for the heart - and far less sugar. Ha Ha.

    Your addiction or enjoyment of sit coms (how did you miss The Cosby Shows? I have an idea but I won't post it here)is also Brit's. No matter how many series/shows she tapes, there are always sit-coms.

    Well, I'm glad that I get notices of your blogs so I can keep up. Did your puppies sleep trough it . . .
