
Monday, April 28, 2014

Outgrowing Cuteness (in a good way)

My cute baby bump phase has passed. It was nice while it lasted. But now... now I just feel like a big big really big pregnant lady. Hah. And I still have six weeks to continue getting bigger. I'm trying to make myself feel better by looking back at my old bump pictures when I thought I was just huge and realizing that I was...not. So perhaps in a few weeks, I'll look back at my "34 weeks" bump and laugh at myself for thinking I was just so massive. We'll see. When I went in for my ultrasound at 19 weeks (when we found out we were having a boy), I was convinced that I looked mega pregnant. Here's my 19 week picture:

So huge, right? Haha. 

Here's 34 weeks (as in, now): 

I think I can see why no one knew I was pregnant at 19 weeks. Everybody knows now. 

In other news: 
  • Tatum has an injured paw and isn't allowed to run and play. Poor, baby girl. :(
  • Sabre is still Sabre. We're trying to schedule his neutering for... right away, in hopes that he'll be a bit more groggy and lethargic (surgery does that, right?), so he'll stop trying to play with Tatum by tackling her to the ground, probably injuring her paw even more. (It's also something we need to do...not just something we decided on a whim. hah.) 
  • My dear husband smashed one of his fingers in a machine at work and now he's waiting for the nail to "pop off." I'm hoping I won't be present when said nail chooses to do so. 
  • I have my first stretch marks and they itch. I'm not so fond of the itching. 
  • We found a sweet puppy (about 6 months old or so) in our neighborhood on Saturday with no tags. She stayed with us for a couple hours and played with our crazy dogs before we found her owners. I discovered that three dogs is absolutely crazy. Hah. They sure had fun though!
  • I'm out of cereal. It's been rough. ;)

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