
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Like Lists

Things my dogs do that make me laugh...
- Sabre steals my spot on the couch every morning. I think he's teasing me. He likes the reaction I have when I come back in the room and see he's in my spot. It must be very entertaining.
- When we tell the dogs to go to bed (their crates), Sabre will usually go right in (unless he thinks we're leaving the house), but Tatum will weave in and out of our legs or lay on her back right by our feet. She becomes very affectionate when she's supposed to be going to bed.
- When Travis joins me on the couch and kisses me, Sabre goes straight to his crate. Apparently he has sensed a pattern. ;)
- Sabre now sleeps on the coffee table 90% of the time. It's his spot.
- When Travis runs around the room while the dogs chase him, he's most scared of Tatum because she gets so into the chase, she sometimes ends up biting his ankles. It's kind of funny. (Don't worry though, we correct this behavior. And she doesn't do it to anyone else--except Sabre. Which also makes it kind of funny.)

This weekend is going to be wonderful. I mean it. Absolutely wonderful! I get to see my mom for the first time in almost two years! My dogs are boarding with this family in Dallas for the weekend. They have a pool and kids and a big yard. I'm not sure my dogs are going to want to come back with us! My birthday is on Friday so we're going out to eat. I just love eating out. It's a sickness, really. My grandfather is making a big Thai meal for my aunt and myself (her birthday is tomorrow). :) It's a good thing we get to start the weekend on Thursday, because I'm barely able to contain the jittery excitement I'm experiencing. AND THEN. Next weekend (on Saturday), my mom, sisters, and grandparents are coming to visit here for my mom's birthday! I'm hoping that's enough motivation to start hanging some pictures. This house needs to look more lived-in. Needless to say, the first two weeks of October are looking pretty great!

In other news...
- I checked out five books from the library... I'm hesitant to start them because then I won't want to do anything but read. All the time.
- I started working last week. I watch an adorable little two-year-old boy for a couple hours Monday-Thursday in the afternoon. It's nice to get out of the house. Yesterday I was talking to his mom when he said, "Ms. Cassie, stop talking." Hah. He wanted to tell me that he ate a cookie.
- I can no longer eat eggs.
- Today is Taco Plate Tuesday. Makes Tuesdays pretty awesome. (Three tacos, beans, and rice for $3.69!)
- Christmas is going to be wonderful. I know it's a couple months away but... it just is.
- I need to teach Sabre and Tatum the "quiet" command. I've realized its true importance in my sanity.

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