It might seem crazy, but today is my official first day of being at home with the baby and the dogs all by myself for (essentially) the rest of the day. I had two and a half months of guests helping me with cooking and cleaning and diaper changes and grocery shopping... but now it's all come to an end. It's just me and the little guy (and the dogs, of course). And, as luck would have it, it rained yesterday. Hard. And as much as we needed the rain, somewhere between having a baby, moving into our newly purchased home, fixing a myriad of things in said newly purchased home, and all sorts of other distractions, the grass in our backyard died. We bought sprinklers in hopes that it wasn't completely dead... but it is. Not all of it. Just most of it. And do you know what that means? It means that when it rains, our backyard becomes quite muddy. Very muddy. So muddy, in fact, that even after an entire day of 95+ degree heat, it's still a bit squishy out there. At our old house we just let the dogs out in the front yard when it was muddy in the back. But see, our old neighborhood didn't mind that we let our dogs off leash in the yard (they have e-collars on if they're off-leash...), but we did it one day here and some very welcoming neighbor called the cops on us. It's apparently not the way of this neighborhood to talk to you personally, they just call the cops. So we had a nice visit with a police officer about a week after moving in about our dogs not being allowed off leash (and that my sister's car was parked on the street facing the wrong direction...a law that everyone but us was aware of), so taking them to the front is no longer an option. (I can't hold a baby AND two dog leashes. I can't even put the baby in a carrier and hold two dog leashes. OK, let's be honest. I can't hold two dog leashes. The dogs are ridiculously strong.) So when they need to relieve themselves, I have to let them out back where their paws get muddy and then the floors (the freshly cleaned floors, I might add) also get muddy. And when I try to wipe off Sabre's paws, he's totally fine with me wiping his back paws, but he's apparently injured his front paw(s) and won't let me touch them. Pretty sure he cracked/broke another nail. Anyway, my point is, I get to go through my first solo day with Logan while also cleaning the floors every time the dogs need to go out AND the dogs can't go outside to play. It can only get better from here, right?
I never realized how exciting a baby could be. I remember seeing other moms post "baby achievements" on Facebook, and I never really understood them. I didn't know when babies were supposed to reach certain milestones, so I didn't understand the excitement if they got there early or even if they got there late. But now I get it. I got way too excited about Logan going from his tummy to his side--even though it only lasted for a second! Travis and I both spent way too long watching Logan "play" with the toys hanging over this bouncy seat. He whacks them and smiles at them and even "talks" to them. It's just so adorable. Hah! I love buying baby clothes (and thankfully I've been able to find some great deals at consignment shops, otherwise we'd be in trouble!). I also find myself looking at all the baby toys and trying to convince Travis we need to buy them, even though we have plenty of hand-me-down toys that he's yet to show interest in. Sigh.
I desperately want to buy an area rug for our living room. Who knew area rugs (soft, semi-nice ones) could be so expensive? Even the cheap, scratchy rugs are still $50 or so. I finally convinced Travis to buy a new vacuum and a doggie door, so I'm trying to be patient about the area rug. "Trying" being the operative word there.
And now for the "I-tried-not-to-do-it-but-I-can't-resist" list of Logan-quirks:
-He loves baths so much that he screams when we take him out. We thought he might be cold, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
-He doesn't seem to notice the difference between being in a swimming pool and being out of one. It's strange.
-He now wakes up from his naps crying. A very sad, pitiful cry.
-He sleeps somewhere between six and eight hours straight every night. I feel very blessed... however, I've heard it stops when they start teething. Kind of dreading that.
-His arms still flail about and keep him from sleeping well at night unless he's all swaddled up. He is, however, out-growing the swaddler, so hopefully he'll outgrow the flailing too.
-He's in the 90th percentile for his weight (or he was at his two month appointment) and 75th percentile for his height. I was worried that I was overfeeding him, but apparently you can't overfeed breast milk. And it's apparently nothing to worry about. The height percentile was more surprising than anything. Neither of us (Travis and I) are very tall, so I was expecting a pretty short little baby. However, he's only two and a half months old, so nothing's set in stone yet. ;)
I don't know if you can tell, but I'm pretty much smitten.
So fun to hear what Logan is doing already. Do you have large swaddle blankets? They are amazing and you can wrap them so tight around big babies.