Time has flown by, it seems. (A statement I never thought I'd make during the first 10 weeks of my pregnancy...) December has arrived and very nearly passed, and I'm only just now writing. Some wonderful things have happened this month. I convinced my husband to buy a real Christmas tree and discovered that I have a great love for the smell of Evergreen trees. The smell of the tree couldn't fill the vastness of our living room for very long, so I've now gone through one and a half pine scented candles. And I've requested more for Christmas. We bought plastic tree ornaments since we weren't sure how the dogs would handle the glowing tree with sparkly balls all over it. Sabre only stole four ornaments, and only one was destroyed. He especially likes the glittery gold ball at the bottom of the tree, but has refrained from taking it off after the first time. He still smells it on occasion though. He's learning. Tatum doesn't go near the tree. We told her "no" the first time she tried, and she's stayed away since. Such different personalities.
My parents visited for a couple days this week. Sabre loved them! They got quite the morning greeting whenever they woke up. Hah. Sabre even sat on my mom's lap one morning. Her right leg fell asleep. I don't think she's accustomed to 80 pound dogs sitting on her lap. :) We did some Christmas shopping all over town, and I insisted my parents try Schmaltz's Sandwich Shoppe for lunch. It was absolutely delicious! If you've never had it, you need to come here and try it. Now.
This week my baby bump suddenly appeared. Up until now I've looked a tiny bit pregnant to me, but to everyone else I'm fairly certain it just looked like I ate a really big meal. I visited my old work place yesterday (an elementary school). I was surprised by how many kids remembered me. One of the little girls ran up, hugged me, took a look at my belly and said, "Are you gonna have a baby soon?" You can always count on children to say it like it is! :) It's been difficult to consider a growing belly as a good thing, but hopefully once I feel some movement in there, it will feel more purposeful. We find out whether we're having a boy or a girl in January. I can't do the waiting thing. I applaud those that do, but I'm just not one of those people.
My pregnancy diet is not something to brag about. I ate a carrot yesterday though. [Gold star for me.] I've had a difficult time changing my eating habits. I love french fries and fast food a bit too much it seems. But it's gradually getting better. Prenatal vitamins are ridiculous monstrosities! Those pills taste awful and are big enough to get lodged in someone's throat! (Maybe not, but they sure look like it.) I tried to get some prescription pills that are much smaller, but they were going to cost $112 a month. For vitamins. Come on, People! Overall though, my second trimester of pregnancy has been far more enjoyable than the first. Thank goodness!
Today I plan to wrap presents without allowing the dogs to steal all the paper, and resist the overwhelming urge to pick up some fries and wings for lunch today. ;)
Love the "new look." Missed your blog - glad you are feeling better. We are fixing the house today. The Bradley room is almost ready. Your mom and dad will stay downstairs until Monday, then we'll get their room ready for you and Travis. Krissy has already moved upstairs. Bless her heart . . . she had to PACK. I think she has enjoyed "your old room!" Molly's Team is here today helping me get every nook and cranny clean. They even dust the light bulbs and fan blades. Jake is spending the afternoon with me (his choice) while the others go to a movie - your mom and dad included - Cullen's. Papa has a wedding rehearsal this afternoon and a wedding tomorrow at 4:00 - Stephanie Pape is getting married. Well, sweet girl, get those gifts wrapped - tomorrow the Millers will arrive - what fun. Wonder how Riley will get along with your "kids." I love you - Nanny