
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Learning to Crawl: Not as fun as you may think

Time is absolutely moving at a faster pace than it ever has before. My baby is already six months old. We've been living in this house for almost that same length of time. Thanksgiving is over. We're going to Indonesia in less than a month. [Less than three weeks, actually.] And 2014 is coming to a rapid end. What happened? On January 1st of this year, I felt Logan's little kicks for the very first time. How can that have already been nearly a year ago? It was a big moment for me because after a horrible first trimester, I needed to be reminded that I was carrying a brand new, precious life. I needed to feel the little flutters to help me realize that it was all going to be worth it in the end. And it was worth it. I mean, I saw a picture of Travis and me a year ago, and I'm pretty sure we look a lot older now, but it's been fun. Exhausting. Crazy. Wonderful. I was anticipating so many things this year... it's hard to believe they've [almost] already happened.

On a less serious/contemplative note, we went to our first family football game last Saturday. I was really excited about it up until we hit the game day traffic. And the stairs. And more stairs. Really steep stairs. And the absolutely repulsive smell of beer. (I would apologize to those of you that like beer, but it really truly smells horrible.) People were in our seats, so we had to ask them to move. Logan lasted about an hour before he was exhausted. I took him to the family restroom to nurse him (less for modesty's sake, more because he's so easily distracted and will, therefore, refuse to nurse) and he fell asleep in my arms. The toilet didn't have a seat cover, so I was standing up, holding a rather heavy sleeping child. (Nursing standing up is not as wonderful as you may think either...) And since he fell asleep nursing, I was still completely exposed, with no extra hand to cover up. Plus, I knew it would be infinitely louder outside the bathroom. But once my arms felt like jello, I carefully texted Travis to come help me. Logan woke up as soon as I handed him off. He took a twenty minute nap during halftime. We opted not to park at the stadium for $50, so our cars were two miles away at my sisters' apartment. (They dropped us off before the game...) Long story short, we didn't get home till almost 9:00, and Logan screamed for the last ten minutes of the drive. Sigh. Needless to say, next time we'll pay for parking, we won't climb to the nosebleed section but will, instead, sit at the lovely couches on one of the main floors, and never ever again will we take a six month old baby to a college football game. Of course, I'm not sure there's much of a chance I'll be going to a game again period. Watching football on TV at home is better in nearly every way. Some might disagree, but you're wrong. Hah! ;)

Other than the game (which was still a good experience to have under my belt), our Thanksgiving was lovely. Logan is a hit with the extended family--and he loves to be around lots of people. We're thinking he might be an extroverted baby. Does that change? Could he be an extroverted baby and then an introverted kid/teenager? Who knows. Oh yeah, and I'm just going to put this out there: if your baby doesn't poop for three days while you're on vacation, be prepared for a lot of diaper changes when you finally get home. And stain treatments. Hah.

I no longer babysit. Logan wasn't a big fan of missing his afternoon nap and made sure we all knew it by screaming for the entire 2+ hours I worked each day. I tried leaving really early and just driving around town for thirty minutes so he could fall asleep... but he never would. No nap for Logan made for a stressful afternoon for everyone involved, and an even more stressful evening for me. As much as I wanted to make it work, it was definitely for the best that I stop. He naps every afternoon right around when I would need to leave for work. OR he's still sleeping and I'd have to wake him up. Tatum woke him up today with her way too loud squeals of excitement about playing outside and it was a long hour and a half before he'd go back to sleep. Oh yeah, and this whole "learning to crawl" thing is one cruel joke. Logan falls on his face so many times, I'm thinking of having pillows installed over our floor. Not really. But the face-plants really are hurting my heart. His poor painful cries are a bit more than I can handle. Why didn't anyone tell me that crawling was so heartbreaking at first? Here I thought it was going to be cute and fun and we'd laugh and take videos. All lies. He loves to try to get to Sabre. (Tatum used to be his favorite, but then Sabre let him grab his fur and nose and paw. His love is rather conditional.) He desperately tries to crawl to Sabre... it's precious. I genuinely believe he'll start crawling just to get to that dog.

I have an affinity for passive voice. My apologies to those of you who don't like it. ;)

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