
Thursday, May 29, 2014

one word: mangoes.

Big things (as in, huge things) seem to happen in my life every three years. (...for the past six years, anyway...) And so far, they seem to come in groups of two. Back in the summer of 2008 (six years ago, for those that don't like doing math), I graduated from high school and moved to the states for college. Then I spent the next three years in college while dating my [now] husband. In 2011, I graduated from college with a degree in English I still haven't put to much use (but it was free, guys! And fun!) and got married to the previously mentioned [now] husband. ;) For the next two years we enjoyed being poor "one-of-us-is-still-in-college" married people and then one year being not-quite-as-poor-about-to-be-parents married people. And now, in 2014, we're having a baby (any day now, I might add) and tomorrow we are buying a house. Hah! But seriously, we close on our house tomorrow!! It's all very exciting. And crazy.

[I should probably add that we had a pretty big summer last year as well, what with Travis graduating from college and getting an awesome job that actually puts his hard-earned engineering degree to good use... but I'm being self-focused and trying to find cool patterns in my life, and this particular big event messes that up. So we're going to call that "one of Travis's big life events" and enjoy the awesomeness of my three year pattern.]

My maternity shirts don't cover my belly. I have maybe three or so that still fit. When you buy maternity clothes, they tell you that the clothes will fit the whole way through because they're designed to stretch with your belly. Well they lied. The shirts still fit everywhere--except that they're not long enough to cover my belly! So now I get to try on shirt after shirt each morning until I find one that's long enough. Barely. I might be digging through Travis's shirts soon.

It's hot. And the sad part is that it's really not. We've had nice low-80s weather lately. But I'm always sweating. (Except in the car when I blast the AC and turn it down as cold as possible.) I tried wearing my jeans yesterday and nearly melted. Shorts only from now on. I would love nothing more than to turn our thermostat down into the 60s. I could go for 68. But I worry that Travis would find that excessive... and expensive. Though I will say this: if I had to be pregnant through a 100+ degree summer, we would be moving some money around in our budget for "pregnancy cooling." No joke.

My sisters have moved in for the summer. The dogs are beyond thrilled. Though they don't like it one bit when the girls go to their room to watch a movie with the door closed. We all just need to stay in the living room together like one big happy family. :) But I must say, I'm rather enjoying having the additional help with the cooking and washing dishes.

I'm sorry this post has very little substance to it. I think there's actually too much going on in my brain to make coherent sense in a blog post. Hah. I just hope everything will organize itself so I can get some sleep tonight. It's the house. And the baby. And the packing. And the painting/cleaning/moving/we've-completely-lost-our-minds stuff. Nothing a little help (moving/packing/painting) and a lot of prayer (everything!) can't fix.

Oh! And mangoes were on sale, so I bought around ten. At least.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least we're caught up-to-date on things. Keeping everyone happy with mangoes (and sticky rice?).
