
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sometimes You Just Need to Write in Bullet Points (or dashes, in this case)

My life right now:

- I bought a new body pillow yesterday. It's huge! And it's wonderful. I was using a smaller body pillow I got in high school. But all the fluff was falling out, so it was time for an upgrade. Since I've been sleeping with a body pillow for a few months now, I can no longer remember how or why I used to sleep without one. I think I've made a new permanent life change. :) Plus, another shopper at Target told me that the body pillow (only $10!) was a wonderful investment both for pregnancy, and for blocking your child into their bed later on. I love meeting friendly shoppers!

- We met with a trainer today about dog training classes/sessions. Poor Sabre has been identified as our "problem" dog. Hah. Our conversation went something like this:
Trainer: Do they have any problems with jumping?
Me/Travis: Yeah, Sabre does.
Trainer: Do they have any separation anxiety?
Me/Travis: Yeah, Sabre does.
Trainer: Do they have a tendency to bark a lot?
Me/Travis: If there are kids playing outside and he wants to join in, Sabre does.
This particular company we met with today charges a bit too much for our liking. In fact, it's kind of crazy. I'm a bit sad because I really want to have really well-behaved dogs. We need them to be better on leash (I hate taking them on leash because they pull so much!), to sit and stay where I tell them when someone comes to the door (in other words, not try to greet said person and run out into the yard for playtime), stop barking when told to stop, and always always always "come" when told to do so. With such specific needs, we really need more specified lessons (not just sit, down, stay, etc.) so it's a challenge. Plus, so many group lessons are either early in the morning (when Travis is sleeping) or in the evening (when Travis is working), and I have no interest in going by myself. Sigh. I'm sure we could train these things ourselves if we just set our minds to it... but they're hard. ;)

- I've been going to a new chiropractor for the last month or so. It has been absolutely amazing!! I go in for an adjustment and can immediately feel a difference--and it lasts! I've had neck/shoulder pain for years and years and years. Pregnancy wasn't helping a whole lot. And my husband has been super wonderful and doesn't mind my going for an adjustment when I need it. Plus, it makes me super happy and he really likes it when I'm happy. ;) hah!

- I've developed a new love for peanut M&Ms. So good.

- We made it till today without going to the grocery store. I made a detailed list of foods to buy and managed to buy all the ingredients for at least eight meals (most of which will include lots of leftovers) plus some basics (milk, bread, ham, cereal, fruit, etc.) for $100.04. I was very proud of myself! I don't know the exact breakdown for each meal, but I think we should be able to make it till nearly the end of the month without any major shopping. We'll probably have to stock up on some more basics, but that's not a big deal. Ah, to be responsible and careful with money. Feels pretty good, actually.

- I took my glucose tolerance test and had more blood work done at my last OB appointment. I do not have gestational diabetes (yay!), but I am anemic. I have to take an iron supplement now. I'm concerned it's because I've been taking the gummy prenatals instead of the pill version, but the prescription kind were insanely expensive and the over-the-counter pills made me vomit each time I took them (three times! I gave them three chances and they completely failed me!), so I switched to gummies. But the gummies have no iron in them. I guess I'm getting enough iron now though... (On a side note, I'm getting much better at handling needles. Only took 24 years to get there, but better late than never!)

- I'm growing exponentially, it seems. After no weight gain in the first three months, to have gained so much in the second three months, it feels like it's never going to stop! And at this point (27 weeks along), Baby only weighs about two pounds. I know I have to account for the amniotic fluid and placenta and extra blood and other such things, but still. It's pretty crazy. On the upside though, my skin is either very elastic or my weight gain has been surprisingly gradual enough that I don't have any stretch marks on my belly. (Yet!) It's a small thing really. I'm not the bikini-wearing type, so no one would ever see my belly anyways. I figure if I never showed off my belly before having a baby, I'm not going to start afterwards. :)

I'm sleepy. It is, after all, almost 9:30. The dogs are already sleeping. Sabre is even in his crate. (His way of letting me know it's past time for bed.) And Baby is kicking and moving around lots (a sure sign it's time for me to try to fall asleep, hah!). Therefore, I bid you farewell as I make my way to a nice hot shower and cozy pajamas.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this in Oregon . . . makes me feel like we've sat down for a long discussion of lots of things. I think Sabre will mature, Cassie. I doubt you'll ever ever have an "intruder" of any kind once he hears that bark! I like for you to be safe when Travis is at work. We all have at least "one child" that needs extra obedience training! Ha! Glad my kids don't read this!

    You look great - saw your pix in front of our house. Glad you tested negative for gestational diabetes - one less thing to be concerned about. Surely they have "iron" in gummy bears out there. Papa got some with fiber and Vitamin D3 . . . love them. Iron pills always made me sick. Thought by now they would have some kind of "new iron" pill.

    We are having a good time in Oregon. I'm homeschooling Emma every morning and we are having a fun time. She's a smart girl! However, we cannot be distracted by toddlers and four-year-olds. I don't see how Aunt Catherine does it all day with 3 kids and everything else. Guess we all did it but overseas we had lots of help. Glad we are here to help out a while.

    Keep writing - love you! Nanny
