
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sometimes A Bunch of Random Nothing Becomes A Blog Post

I'm starting to wonder if I blog when I have a big basket of laundry to fold/hang up. Interesting.

My lovely husband bought some new RAM for my laptop a few days ago. I won't bore you with the really boring details, but my laptop now runs like a true champion. There are still cracks in the laptop itself and it still shocks me on occasion (because of said cracks), but I can now do two things at once on my computer (eg: skype with my sister AND read said article she mentioned) without the entire thing rebelling and freezing up and causing me over-dramatic frustration. We're going on five and a half years together, you see. There have certainly been some ups and downs, but overall, I love this little guy. Of course, the day after upgrading my RAM, my power cord bit the dust. I'm sharing power with the husband for now, though I'm pretty sure he bought me a new cord. Someday I will upgrade to a new computer, but that day no longer has to be now. Yay for the durability of Macbooks!

I had a doctor's appointment a couple days ago. Despite my initial "all-food-is-awful-I-hate-eating" for the first couple of months of pregnancy, those days have passed (praise the Lord!!) and I am officially gaining weight. I'm trying really hard to be upbeat about it. :) But honestly though, I'll take a gradual weight gain over feeling sick 24/7. My dear little boy only weighs a bit over a pound at this point. Though I gotta say, he's got some strong little limbs in there. I can now see my belly poke out when he kicks me, and I'm far too fascinated by it. We're flying up to New Jersey next weekend, and my main concern is that they're going to deny me adequate water supply on the flight. I really love water. Lots and lots of water. I'm also worried about the possible swelling I keep hearing about, because it sounds rather unpleasant and my vanity doesn't want me to be swollen. True confessions here, folks. But overall, things are going well. Prenatal gummies are the way to go. I have not had a single person ask me if I'm pregnant, randomly touch my belly, ask me what I'm having, etc. I don't know if I just live around people that mind their own business, or if I don't look pregnant to the outside world. My little boy likes to kick me the most when I'm trying to sleep. I've eaten way too many flamin' hot cheetos over the last few weeks. Body pillows really are a pregnant woman's best friend.

We left the dogs out of their crates while we went grocery shopping yesterday. We were gone for about an hour and a half or so. Travis set up his laptop to record them while we were gone, just to see what they would do. Sabre freaked out for the first ten minutes or so while Tatum watched him, remaining completely calm. Sabre moved around restlessly for the next twenty minutes, but then they both slept. At one point, they both moved onto the couch and cuddled with each other. Cutie pies. So we basically discovered that whether they're out of their crates or in their crates while we're gone, they just sleep.

I napped for two and a half hours today. Already sleepy again.